Your Dream Life Starts Here

Your Dream Life Starts Here

Your Dream Life Starts Here by Kristina Karlsson (KikkiK). An injection of inspiration if you are in the stage of dreaming up what may be next. Allowing you space and ideas for how you imagine without limitations. This is not a book that you read end to end, it’s my favourite kind of book, it’s one where you do the work.

If you’re like me and going through a midlife awakening, this is the ideal book to get you dreaming beyond the today and now and imagining what could be next. Kristina Karlsson is of course the creator and founder of the very successful brand Kikki K. So this is a woman who seriously walks the walk.

The book is broken up into bite size chapters to make the steps actionable, yes, yes!! It has a beautiful weight and the paper quality is heavenly and overall it is visually stunning. Read the full article here.

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